How to prevent WhatsApp media files from appearing in the gallery
Our Android devices have many options we can modify to our liking. One that can be helpful is to decide if we want that WhatsApp files appear in the gallery of our phone. We have...

How to manage the memory in Android devices
If we do not have a high-end smartphone, sooner or later we will face a problem: the lack of memory. Mobile devices have limited storage capacity, and depending on how we use it, we can...

How to take a screenshot with Android Wear
Screenshots with Android Wear was a fairly complex task until now. The latest software update has greatly fixed this issue, and now we can capture screenshots in our smart watch with a couple of gestures....

How to reboot into safe mode in Android
Rebooting into Safe Mode in Android is very easy. Let’s see here how to do it and in which situations it may be useful to do so. Currently, we have a lot of applications installed...

How to use Flash on Android
Flash content on the web is decreasing year after year, being replaced by HTML5. Since Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Adobe stopped developing the flash player for that operating system. So, viewing web pages with flash...

How to log out from the accounts stored in your Android
All of us can be faced with the decision to let our Android to a friend or a relative. Then we realize that all our accounts (email, YouTube, Whatsapp, Google Play, Dropbox, Skype, etc.) are...

How to install a factory image on your Nexus
Last week Google posted the factory images of Andorid 5.0 Lollipop for the Nexus devices. If you are the owner of one of those devices and do not know what to do with these files,...

How to know if a WhatsApp message has been read
WhatsApp has just implemented a feature long wanted among its users. Finally, we can know if the person we have sent a message have read it or not. So far, WhatsApp showed some symbols next...

How to receive instant messages with the screen locked
IM applications occupy a privileged place among the essential apps installed on any smartphone. Most of us probably use WhatsApp, a world leader in this type of communication. However, WhatsApp is not the only instant...
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