Comparison: Android smart watches (Galaxy Gear, Sony Smartwatch 2, Omate TrueSmart,…)
There are two types of smart watches: those who work as a complement of your smartphone or tablet and those who work standalone like any other smartphone. We are going to talk about some of the most important.
Smart watches as accessories
Samsung Galaxy Gear
According to Samsung , the perfect complement to the Galaxy smartphones and tablets. Samsung Galaxy Gear is the new smartwatch presented last week at the IFA 2013 in Berlin. This smart watch does not work standalone, independent of our Android device as there is no SIM card. It’s an accesorie capable of interacting with your smartphone or tablet so you can receive notifications or access information of your smartphone or tablet without having to take them with you. Connected via a Bluetooth connection with another Galaxy device, you can make hands-free calls , add entries to the calendar, composing messages, etc …

Keep in mind that Samsung is a very important company in the technology sector and the fact of presenting a smart watch ensures that many Android applications will be adapted to this screen format. In fact , applications like Evernote, Line, or ChatON have already been adapted to this new format of device. In order to know the full specifications of the Galaxy Gear please see the following table:

Sony Smartwatch 2
Sony has also introduced its Sony Smartwatch 2 with many improvements over the first version of its smart watch. Like the Galaxy Gear, the Sony Smartwatch 2 works as an accesorie of an Android device. The performance would be similar to the Galaxy Gear but with the disadvantage that the Sony Smartwatch2 takes longer in the market and technic specifications of this device have lagged behind those of its competitors (see comparison chart). Go to Sony Smartwatch 2 site to get more information about it.

Pebble is a smart watch that has emerged from a project presented at Kickstarter, the famous website dedicated to crowfunding . This smart watch is something different from the Galaxy Gear or Sony Smartwatch 2. Its technical characteristics are very different from the rest of smartwatch in the market and its major strengths are its simplicity, its e-ink screen and the compatibility with Android devices and iPhone . This last, is the most important feature -multi platform- because it has been a product for which many users have backed on Kickstarter . However, the technical features have made it a little poor for users who expect power and features in a device of this type.

Omate TrueSmart
This smart watch is, in my opinion, the best product that anyone can buy to use like a Smart Watch and I will explain my reasons. Omate TrueSmart is a smart watch that works standalone, independently from your smartphone or tablet and you can insert a microSIM . It builts Dual Core ARM Cortex A7 1.3Ghz and it works over 2G and 3G WCDMA networks . Its specifications are similar to those of many Android smartphones that are on the market and they make this device a small screen smartphone that you can easily carry even when you’re swimming, beacuase it’s waterproof according to IP67 + spec. You can discuss any technical specifications in the table above. Omate TrueSmart has emerged from a project started in Kickstarter that is being highly backed by many users who have made so many donations to this project and actually it has exceeded 500% of the money needed to be done. In October 2013 it will begin shipping the first units and also is preparing a large community of developers who will have the needed tools to develop Android apps optimized for this type of device. Thinking about all smart watches submitted, I think this may be the most useful to users because you can use it like an accesorie of your Android or like a standalone device. In addition, its technical specifications are very good and the support seems to be very important. The best: the price. For less than $200 you can get one of the Omate TrueSmart . Awesome! You can compare specifications with other smart watches in the table above.

There are more smart watches to comment but basically these are the most important. The most important is to know what users think about all these devices. Finally , they are the ones who have the last word.