Rayman Jungle Run, art in motion

Hexamob | Emma Rossinyol 01/2/2014

Rayman Jungle Run, art in motion

Rayman Jungle Run is another title that has jumped to mobile devices from the world of consoles. Ubisoft has adapted this runner game for iOS and Android, with an addictive and frantic game that promises a guaranteed fun. Graphics are carefully done, with detailed, funny and cool animations.

The game is divided into four worlds with increasing difficulty. We have four types of actions: flying, jumping, wall running and hitting, and while in the first world we only have to worry about jumping, in the fourth one we need to combine the four skills to pass the challenges. You cannot go back nor change direction, so you just have a chance to collect as many “lums” as possible to finish the stage. Once finished, you get a score based on the amount of “lums” collected, and if you manage to collect all of the level, you will get one of the nine skull’s teeth needed to enter the Land of the Dead Furious. It is a world of great difficulty from which we have to get out alive.


For players with experience in this type of game, the difficulty is not very high and you can quickly overcome most of the challenges with maximum score. However, the last world offers another level of difficulty, and you will need to combine the four skills to obtain the desired effects. The sound effects and soundtrack are faithful to the original Rayman Origins, and although fun, it can become a bit repetitive.


Overall, with 40 stages, different achievements, unlockable art and online leaderboards, it is a game worth buying for such a price (a must if you have a iOS device). Rayman Jungle Run is one of the best runner type games that you can find for Android and iOS devices. It is available for $2.99 on the Google Play and free on the App Store.

Source: Meristation.