Google Play Games will be available in next Google Play Services (rumor) - HEXAMOBGoogle Play Games will be available in next Google Play Services (rumor) - HEXAMOB
Google Play Games will be available in next Google Play Services (rumor)
As we can find every year before Google I/O there are many leaks around Google and next steps of the company. One of the lastest rumors was a possible new application with a very important involvement of Google in Android gaming. That’s Google Play Games. Yes, Google is preparing a very important project around games but, what are the details of this information?
All this begin with the latest leaked version of Google Play Services which includes Google Play Games like one of the most important component of this update. There are a little information about it but it gives us many things about Google working direction.
It seems we will have a menu of options to Play Games where we can send invitations through Google+ and we will be able to create playrooms where “meet” with friends before starting. So, Google+ account will be very important to get activated all features to run correctly Google Play Games. This will make sure Google+ platform more important for many Android users.
Some important things to have into account about Google Play Games can be the availability of Android Games synchronized. This is one of the typical request of the Android gamers and some companies like Rovio with the new version of “Angry Birds” are working very hard to give the users the possility to play the same game session along some differents devices, saving the session and then restoring it on another device. So, for example, we will play Angry Birds on our phone and we will have the same levels unlocked at the time in any Android device like a tablet. That’s very useful. All games that support this type of feature will have a small green on its icon.
It seems there are other very interesting new features like a general level competitions. We will be able to compete with other people at the world in order to become the absolute leaders. These rankings will be updated every 24 hours and can be shared by Google+ accounts.
Well, it seems Google will bring us this important feature with the next update of Google Service. Many of us will be waiting with many expectation the official announcement. And you?