Gello is the web browser developed by Cyanogen
The web browser developed by the CyanogenMod team seems to be based on Chromium, the open source project of Google (which Chrome is also based on), and little is known about the project, beyond the short video Joy Rizzoli, a member of CyanogenMod team, presented in society through his account on Google+.
Gello, the web browser from Cyanogen has already shown some of its key features. Its interface is very similar to Chrome, with a menu that drops from the top right and the possibility to refresh the page by scrolling down, the ability to save pages for offline consult, a power saving mode, a mode suitable for night and immersive mode that lets you query the network to full screen.
There is also no large tracks of plans for Cyanogen web browser. It is possible that the intention is replaces Chrome by Gello in its search away from Google Android, or perhaps end up watching it on Google Play already publicly available. In any case, we can only wait and see.

This work has one of its strengths being an open source work, since it is based on Chromium. This, for example, allow others to develop new and modified easily without licensing issues. How Gello works is able to be seen in a sample video which lasts 14 seconds. Obviously not enough time to know all of this browser, but it gives an idea of what it will offer.
As is easy to think, Gello seems destined to be part of the CyanogenMod ROM gradually getting sufficient stability and remarkable power. This is important, because this work is one of the most active and stable in the Android “scene” now (even it is able to migrate to new versions of the Google operating system to terminals that do not receive such support from the manufacturer).