Google DayDream or native virtual reality on Android smartphones
Google is about to make an appearance in the world of virtual reality. It can be something difficult to imagine since we still don’t know if it will come from the hardware point of view, or with an accessory type the Samsung Gear VR, or just software, maybe dedicated to digital store.
Google wants to approach the new VR market on both sides, giving to those who have a compatible smartphone (and upgradeable to Android 7) many opportunities for fun. The central point is DayDream, the virtual ecosystem around which the digital world of Android will turn 360 degree. DayDream does not refer to a single news shown by Google, but it represents the container that redefines the concept of VR on mobile devices. First of all is a set of guidelines that handset manufacturers and developers can follow to make their projects (smartphones and apps) certified with the logo of the platform.
These will have an important recognition that attest to the real possibility of enjoying a decent mode of virtual content without fear of slowdowns, sudden crashes or painful flicker while browsing. A bit like the blue sticker on bananas, that ‘DayDream Ready’ will be a certificate of important uniformity to uphold the quality of Android.
The same DayDream, integrated on the next Android N, will bring with it a store of applications and games dedicated to virtual reality. As a section of today’s Play Store and similar as Oculus Store, allowing to download apps designed to run on any compatible smartphone. It is a great advantage for a market that goes in the opposite direction, the one with the specificity and exclusivity.
Such as the Oculus Store is now available only on Samsung Gear VR (and of course on the Oculus Rift), we understand what will be on board of Huawei goggles and those of LG, but since the earlier announce of DayDream, it is reasonable to think that for both it will be exclusive shops. With the Android N store the case would be a kind of democratization of access, so that all devices can initiate DayDream, any brand, and we will be able to download all apps available, without any distinction.