UnlockRoot. Root using UnlockRoot
Steps of the Android rooting method: UnlockRoot. Root using UnlockRoot
- Download UnlockRoot
- Install the app unlockroot in your PC.
- Put your phone on USB Debugging mode (activate checkbox on Settings>Development options>USB debugging or Settings>Applications>Development>USB debugging).
- Make sure the Android drivers for your phone are installed in your pc. If not, you can find some drivers in this page.
- Connect your device to your PC via USB cable.
- Run UnlockRoot. Click “ROOT” button and wait for your handset to be automatically detected.
- Choose your device from the list of auto-detected devices.
- Rooting start.
- Wait for it to complete rooting, after which you’ll be greeted with a message on the left bottom saying your device has been successfully rooted and prompt you to install Battery Saver application.
- After the rooting process, simply reboot your device for the changes to take effect.
- If you want to check if you are already root or superuser in your Android phone or tablet you can download HowToRoot app from Google Play Store and click over the padlock in the top-right of the screen. It will show you a message about if your device is rooted or not.
Android USB Drivers app
Download sources
Remember, you must ROOT your Android device at your own risk.
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Legal conditions
Hexamob is not responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly by a rooting method. Any action for rooting your device is done it only under your responsibility.
We recommend that you read all the instructions related to each root method and follow them step by step as indicated by the developers.
If you have any question or need support, on every page there are links to the developers of each method.
Android rooting method: Universal Androot. Root using UnlockRoot
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