How to be offline on whatsapp (Android & iOS)
Offline state on Whatsapp
Sometimes you may need for some reason to be offline on Whatsapp and you don’t want to uninstall the app from your android smartphone or tablet. Maybe you want to be not bothered by your friends from WhatsApp or maybe you are in a business meeting with some important people. Also you can save battery because you have to be out of your home for a long time…So, if you want, you can take into account this method. They are compatible for Android and iOS devices. A simple trick to be “offline” or “logout” on WhatsApp without deleting the app is to change the year back from the current year to the past year (example: from 2013 to 2012) and restart your phone. After restart, you will be offline from WhatsApp and you will not be bothered by WhatsApp messages and you will be able to receive phone calls, sms and other internet messages (email messages, google talk messages,…). In order to back to the normal state you only have to fix the current year in settings of your android device and restart the device.Mute Whatsapp contacts
Another useful method to be not bothered on WhatsApp from some users is to mute some selected users. This method don’t change your state from all whatsapp users only deactivate the notification sound for messages sent from users you have selected to be muted. To make this, you only have to select a Whatsapp contact and, when you are into a conversation thread, click over Settings button of you device and then click over Mute button. To activate the sound for the notifications of this contact you have to make the same steps.PHP Code Snippets Powered By :