100 Doors 2, available on the Play Store
100 Doors 2, available on the Play Store
100 doors 2 is now available at the Play Store. If you enjoyed solving the puzzles of the first part, now you have a collection of new levels to test your skills again.
The goal is to open the elevator door in order to get to the next level. To do that, we first need to solve a puzzle with the objects and clues scattered around the room.
We must find objects in the room that we can keep in our inventory to use when needed. Some levels are easy, and with just a couple of moves we can open the door; but others are really complicated. The puzzles can include anything from pressing buttons to set some objects on fire. To find the answer, we need to use every conceivable method, from tilting and rotating objects to shake and move the tablet or smartphone to get the desired effect.

This new version brings new puzzles that will test again our skills. Some doors are especially difficult to solve, and maybe we will need some extra help to avoid getting stuck. For the first part, there was a guide (100 doors guide) that revealed the solution to all the puzzles. That was tremendously helpful, because if we didn’t know how to solve one, we couldn’t continue the game. For now there is still no guide for this second part, but probably there will be in a near future.

One of the strongest points of the game is undoubtedly the pace of updates. With each update there are new levels; we can play the whole game completely free of charge and requires no in-app purchases. That’s because it includes small ads at the bottom, nothing intrusive, allowing financial support without hindering the gameplay.
100 doors 2 is worth a try if you like this kind of challenges!